Giving Thanks for Our 4-H Connections

Episode Number 14

Giving Thanks for Our 4-H Connections

December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas from the Idaho 4-H Roundup Crew!

Recorded on Christmas Eve, Jeremy and Joe visit about being thankful for the 4-H program, and the wonderful people they have connected with. The visit then extends to some of their wonderful 4-H connections with other phenomenal 4-H leaders.


Last Episode’s Answer: Maurice Johnson was the leader who originally donated the bulk records spanning the years 1913-1985 for 4-H clubs across the state of Idaho to the University of Idaho.

This Episode’s Question: Who was the U.S. President who issued the following 1925 Christmas Address to Boys and Girls as the first Honorary Chairman of the National Committee on Boys’ and Girls’ Club Work (now National 4-H Council).

As you are representative of the organizations of the boys and girls of America who live in or are interested in the open country… I want to extend to all of you a Christmas greeting. It seems a very short time ago that I was a boy and in the midst of farm life, myself, helping to do the chores at the barn, working in the corn and potato fields, getting in the hay and in the springtime… making maple sugar. I did not have any chance to profit by joining a scout organization or a 4-H Club. That chance ought to be a great help to the boys and girls of the present day. It brings them into association with each other in a way where they learn to think not only of themselves, but of other people. It teaches them to be unselfish. It trains them to obedience and gives them self-control. It is in all these ways that boys and girls are learning to be men and women, to be respectful to their parents, to be patriotic to their country, and to be reverent to God. It is because of the great chance that American boys and girls have in all these directions that to them, more than to the youth of any other country, there should be a Merry Christmas.

Special Guests

  • Dr. Tony Parsons: Bingham County Volunteer  
  • Erin Reid: Benewah County Volunteer  

Episode Credits

  • Host: Joe Stanley
  • Host: Jeremy Hampton

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What is 4‑H?

4‑H is delivered by Cooperative Extension—a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provides experiences where young people learn by doing. For more than 100 years, 4‑H has welcomed young people of all beliefs and backgrounds, giving kids a voice to express who they are and how they make their lives and communities better.

Through life-changing 4‑H programs, nearly six million kids and teens have taken on critical societal issues, such as addressing community health inequities, engaging in civil discourse and advocating for equity and inclusion for all.

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